The Launch:
The Amsterdam Rainbow Dress
We were delighted to launch #SaferToBeMe at the stunning National Glass Centre on Tuesday 20th June 2023, in Sunderland, U.K.
We hosted a reception, a speech from Drew Dalton, the Chair of Trustees at ReportOUT, and launch of the incredible Amsterdam Rainbow Dress.
As the website of the dress states:
"The Amsterdam Rainbow Dress is a work of art in the shape of a dress, with the aim of encouraging debate and awareness about inclusion and equal rights throughout the planet. It is a monumental dress with a diameter of over 16 mts. (52 ft.) comprised of the 68* flags of countries where being LGBTIQ+ is punishable by law, including eight countries in which homosexual acts can result in the death penalty. The bodice of the dress is made from the Amsterdam city flag"
Check out their website and view the dress held at #SaferToBeMe, below!